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Sacred Fire Energy Alignment Therapy

Fogo Sagrado- Sacred Fire Energetic Alignment is a therapeutic process developed by 2 Brazilian shamans. The first one, Dior Alem, was a pharmacist that spent many years living with indigenous people of Brazil with the intent of learning about their medicinal plants. What he did notice was that when a member of the tribe would get ill, the Page (shaman) would get another member to act as a representative of the illness and to "channel" it so that the Page could dialogue to that illness or discomfort.  The intent was to understand its emotional cause so it could be healed. Dior Alem ended up being trained by the Page on how to perform this type of healing and was asked to bring it to us, in the cities. Dior Alem left the tribe and returned to Rio de Janeiro. He then met a second shaman, Monica Oliveira, a Physiotherapist & intuitive who while working in hospitals with patients in coma, had developed the ability to communicate with them. Together Monica and Dior created this therapeutic process that has been passed down to thousands of people in Brazil and Europe.

I am one of these people who have been trained in Fogo Sagrado and I now bring this therapeutic technique to Canada. It is a beautiful work of energy alignment that has been helping people live a more balanced life for 22 years. I am one of these people who have been trained in Fogo Sagrado and I now bring this therapeutic technique to Canada. It is a beautiful work of energy alignment that has been helping people live a more balanced life for 22 years. 

What to expect in a session of Fogo Sagrado- Sacred Fire Energetic Alignment?

This is a  gentle and non invasive type of work. The therapist will connect to your energy field and through symbols, sensations and images access an energetic body that your higher self has brought forth to be worked on. The content is then shared with the client who can relate it to the issue the client wants help with. 


How often can I do a session? 

We usually recommend sessions to be done with 3 months intervals as clients need time to integrate the work that has been done.


What do I need to bring to my session?

An open heart, an open mind and a desire to live life in a more harmonious way.


How long does this session last?

It usually lasts 1.5-2h.

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